Monday, February 1, 2010

Dinner, In the European aka lazy style

Alright, well the first day is just about in the books and I've learned a lot.

1.) It has been a long time since I've not had 3 cups of coffee on a Monday.

2.) Don't tell Liz, but I'm 90% sure that White Mountain doesn't use local milk for their yogurt or local soy for their tofu. I'll know for sure once they return my fax.

3.) "Way Back When" dairy not only has local milk, but makes a truly stellar yogurt.

As for dinner, I waited till I was too hungry to cook before eating, as I'm regularly apt to do, so I had to suffice with cured sausage from Indian Hills Farm, cheddar cheese from Veldhuizen farm, pickles from hill country homestyle canning, and a glass of signature melange wine from llano winery.

For tomorrow, I mashed turnips with Way Back When yogurt, basil, sage, oregano, leeks, garlic, and olive oil*, which I will eat tomorrow with broccoli and oranges (although probably not together). As for breakfast, I'm debating between a cheddar cheese omelet and returning to experimental pancakes.

Alright, I'm off to watch our latest Parkour video (don't worry those involved, the actual video won't make the blog).

*There are a number of places in Texas that grow olives and produce really tasty oil. I bought some from these guys last Saturday:

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