Friday, February 12, 2010

Beans, Beans, They're Good for Your Heart...

And our morale.

We've known since well before launch day that a company in Dallas, Green Valley Food Corp., grew black eyed peas and that in theory one could purchase these beans at Wheatsville in Austin. However, every time we asked we recieved one of three answers:

1. "They'll be in tomorrow."

2. "Sometime next week."

3. "No way will we have those before May."

Liz and I had effectively given up hope and turned our fantasizing efforts toward something more concrete (e.g. we're half-way towards coffee). Actually, I can only speak for myself in this regard and in all honesty we're having a blast with the diet and really only miss a few select items. Digression aside, last night I made the trek through our lovely El Nino weather, 40 and raining, to Wheatsville with the intention of replacing my exhausted dairy stash, but low and behold during my usual and again fruitless search of the produce section for local hot peppers I came across 6 bags of Green Valley Food's black eyed peas. I bought them all.

Sam: I have a black eyed present for you.


Sam: Eat huevos rancheros (unfortunately minus the hot peppers) the following morning.

Things were a bit crazy this week, but I'm still planning a post on food assurance in the US, which will probably happen sometime this weekend. In the meantime enjoy my recipe for ranch eggs sans hot peppers and please post any black eyed peas related suggestions.


bring 7 cups of water and 1 cup juice from Pure Luck Feta cheese container to a boil.

Add 2 12oz packages Green Valley black eyed peas, reduce heat and simmer for 1 hour

Add 1 huge ass sweet potato, 2 beats, onions, garlic, carrots, and spices

simmer for 1 hour

Add de-stemmed kale

simmer for 30 minutes or until the beans and sweet potato are ready to eat

Ranch Eggs:

Prepare 2 flour tortillas (I've found that making up a huge batch and keeping them uncooked in the fridge is the way to go)

2 eggs in the key of over easy

warm the beans in a skillet with a tomato

place the eggs on top of the tortillas and submerge in beans

place huge grin on face



  1. Sam- you make your own tortillas? Explain...

  2. Hi Erin, We get our wheat from Richardson Farms, if you're interested in what else we do with week check out our "Miracle Wheat" post from last week. The tortillas are flour (not my favorite, but we can't get local cornmeal)

    2 cups flour
    1 cup warm milk
    olive oil
    whisk together milk and oil
    slowly add milk/oil and knead for a couple minutes
    cover for 20 minutes
    make 8 balls
    cover for 20 minutes
    roll out to about 6-8 inches across (you can wrap them in plastic and put them in the fridge at this stage, they should keep for 3-4 days)
    cook on a dry hot pan
